This program exists to aid seniors who are no longer able to transport themselves by providing transportation to personal care services including medical care, dental care, vision care, banking services, nutritional needs, pharmacy supplies, and more.

Our services are uniquely designed to provide for the aging senior in Elkhart County, with awareness of their specific need for reliability, trust and security.  All our drivers are trained in CPR, first aid and transporting safety practices.  It is our goal for every passenger to easily recognize they are in the care of individuals who truly care for their well-being.

Transit is available between 6am-6pm Monday through Friday.  

To receive transportation services, you must first complete a Client Application. Once approved, you may schedule a ride using the Online Request Form or calling our office at 574-295-1820, ext 258.

What to expect

Welcome! Once a Trip Request is submitted, our Transportation staff will contact you.

Driver training Requirements

The State of Indiana’s Rural Transit Assistance Program recommendations for training are required of all Council on Aging drivers. 

Americans with Disabilities act of 1990

In accordance with Title II of this act, our agency provides equal and effective access to transportation services for persons with disabilities. If your disability presents a unique situation requiring modification of our agency’s policies and procedures to establish access to transportation, please complete and submit the Request for Reasonable Modification Form. Upon receipt, we will contact you to determine how we can best accommodate your needs.

If you have been discriminated against while receiving services from our agency on the basis of your disability, please complete a complaint form form so the issue can be remedied.

Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964

Our agency provides its services equitably to qualifying individuals, regardless of their race, color or national origin. If you have experienced discrimination contradictory to this while receiving services from our agency, please complete the form below.

Título VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964

Nuestra agencia brinda sus servicios de manera equitativa a las personas que califican, independientemente de su raza, color u origen nacional. Si ha experimentado discriminación contradictoria con esto mientras recibía servicios de nuestra agencia, complete el formulario a continuación.

Titel VI Civil Rights Act von 1964

Unsere Agentur erbringt ihre Dienstleistungen gleichberechtigt für qualifizierte Personen, unabhängig von ihrer Rasse, Hautfarbe oder nationalen Herkunft. Wenn Sie eine Diskriminierung erlebt haben, die im Widerspruch dazu steht, während Sie Dienstleistungen von unserer Agentur in Anspruch genommen haben, füllen Sie bitte das untenstehende Formular aus.