A Note from our CEO

Dear Friends,

The past few months have presented all of us many challenges while also providing us with a glimpse of our community’s best in philanthropic-minded service.  “Heroes” in our community have lessened the negative impact of COVID-19 in our daily lives.  It is the dedication of these many heroes which both humbles me and gives me great pride, as I recognize the extraordinary commitment each of the COA team members have demonstrated in their continued care of our clients.  It is also the generosity of the many volunteers who have produced masks, provided grocery shopping services, and donated financially to our mission that makes a difference in this community.

Our client care plans and dedicated staff have endured throughout the COVID-19 crisis. In accordance with CDC guidelines, our drivers and caregivers our following an extensive protocol to maintain client safety, a practice which will continue for the foreseeable future.  While the stay-at-home order diminishes and businesses reopen, COA will maintain these safety protocol until our clients are no longer at-risk.

In addition to the continuation of our transportation and in-home services, COA has adapted to the needs of the community and increased its service options.  Today, we are delivering groceries and food boxes to those sheltering at home due to safety and quarantine needs.

Please, if we can be of service to any of your loved ones, let us know.

Stay safe,

David M. Toney, CEO