A Note from our CEO

Hello Everyone,

It’s already December, can you believe it, even just a couple months ago it seemed so far away! This season brings so many memories to the forefront of what we normally think about, I know that’s true for me.

Next week on the 10th, I have the honor of celebrating my 6th year with our Agency. When I look back to when I started, it seems like a lifetime, not because we are in a much more prominent location from when I first started, but because the support of the community is so much greater.

As you know, we ended our 19-20 season serving the most seniors than we ever had in our history. We accomplished that feat during a pandemic that has had a huge impact on our county’s history, which makes it even more impressive. We have widened our capacity, become more efficient, and done so with the same high level of compassion. When our supporters reach into their purses or wallets today for Giving Tuesday, they have the assurance that every dollar they provide to us, is being maximized to reach the most seniors possible. We are so blessed to have a community that, when challenged with the current situation, is figuring how to live safely through it. Yes, our lives have changed but this awakened our spirit and we will get past this as the strong community we are.

As you debate whether to pull out all of the Christmas ornaments because not as many visitors will be at your home this December, do it anyway. It’s for you and the people that may be living in your house. I personally love to put in the work because it is fun to reminisce all those pleasant thoughts of when you were a kid, no matter if your grew up in a small or large house, if you had a big or small tree, if you had hot chocolate or eggnog, it doesn’t make a difference. It was an easier time to be around people who loved you. So, put up something that will remind you of those relaxing and lighthearted times.

Finally, thank you for all your support because of you, we are a better Agency because you bring out the best in us!

Merry Christmas,

David M. Toney, CEO