Happy 45th Anniversary Council on Aging

Dear Friends,

Halloween has so many good memories for me. It’s one of my favorite holidays. When my daughters were younger, I would take them out to trick or treat while Vicky would stay at the house to pass out the candy to the kids that came knocking. Back then, Vicky would go all out helping the girls to have the most unique outfits that either she or their grandmother made. As they got older, it was a big deal putting the makeup on each to look the part.

I remembered the better neighborhoods that gave out the most candy or where we could go right down the street to see nearly each house was decorated.  At the end of the evening, we’d come back and each of the girls would empty their bag of candy to organize and exchange the candy they may not have liked for another one that their sister wanted instead. They also had to come back to tell their mom whatever funny story that had happen while we were all out. We went to one neighborhood and one of the moms was dressed in a devil costume while giving out the candy. Somehow, she and I got talking for a few minutes, and the girls took that as the ‘devil’ was flirting with their Dad. We got a good laugh from that little episode.

With all these memories around Halloween and with CoA’s Anniversary being on Halloween, something must have been directing me toward this agency way before I even knew it existed! I’m honored to celebrate CoA’s 45th Anniversary on this Halloween. What a special place to be at and thanks for listening to all of my stories leading up to this very special occasion!

Stay safe,

David M. Toney, CEO

Council on Aging thanks all its supporters for continued dedication to the mission that has driven the organization for 45 years.

Council on Aging thanks all its supporters for continued dedication to the mission that has driven the organization for 45 years.