A Note from our CEO

Dear Friends,

Each time I hear about a family calling in for help or read a note from a family that needs help with their parents, it brings back memories of my own situation. Back in the 90’s, before the term “sandwich or crunch generation” as they are called now, my wife, our young daughters, and I took care of my mom. All of us would try to juggle our schedules around to accommodate taking her to the girls’ after-school functions and we always tried to make sure she had Sunday dinner with us. She loved talking to her granddaughters about whatever was on their minds for school, and our two pups at the time adored her (I’m sure some of that attention was because she would share her dinner with them under the table)!

The part that was always a strain was arranging to go to her doctor visits or something else that she needed taken care of during the work week. Trying to figure out if one of us could make it to her place to pick her up, make sure we had whatever she needed to take with her, get her into the car safely, and make it to the appointment were all taxing. My work schedule time wouldn’t work out the way I wanted it to and I’m sure I made her feel like it was her fault that I was rushing instead of my own. There was a lot going on with careers and three growing daughters, but I wanted my mom to be taken care of properly. After all, she took care of me when I needed her.

How I wish there was a CoA back then that I knew would take her to her medical appointments. The children of our current clients know that CoA drivers, caregivers, and administrative staff all take care of clients the way they would like to, if they could be there!

If you live across town or across the county, call us, fill out an application on today. We can take some of the stress out of both your and your parent’s lives.

Stay safe,

David M. Toney, CEO