A Note from our CEO

Dear Friends,

When I was hired by the CoA Board in December of 2014, one of the many things I did was review the many present and older corporate documents, and when I first saw the date on the article of incorporation papers, I remember the many ‘flashbacks’ that immediately went through my head. After college, I moved from Washington DC, where I grew up, to Indianapolis in mid-September 1975. I came out for a job and like most young people I figured I’d be here for a year and move back to the East Coast. That didn’t happen!

CoA was incorporated on Friday, October 31, 1975 that date took me back to that same exact day my parents surprised me and came out to visit me in Indy. It was my day off, I was getting ready to walk out the door of my apartment, the phone rang, it was my dad saying they just got off the plane, I changed my plans and I went to pick them up! I recall telling them when I had planned to be out most of the day so if the call was 20 minutes later, they would have been stuck at the airport for most of the day! I took my parents for lunch at Shapiro’s Deli, which is an old staple in the city, and drove them around town to show them where their only son was living now. Later, when we returned to my apartment, my dad looked up local churches in the phone book (who remembers the last time they actually used or even seen one of those things!). Sure enough, there was a Halloween party that evening at the St. Georges Orthodox Church which we attended that evening. We had a very nice time and I even met some people there that I became friends with for many years to come.

We had a fun weekend and visited places that I may have never gone to if my Mom and Dad hadn’t surprised me that Halloween weekend way back in 1975, that same day that CoA was incorporated. I would have never guessed that nearly 39 years later that I would call Indiana my home, have raised our three daughters here, and eventually have the honor of leading Council on Aging of Elkhart County.

We encounter many interesting twists and turns in our life journey.

Stay safe,
David M. Toney, CEO

Learn more about our upcoming event October 26-30!  Click on the picture above.

Learn more about our upcoming event October 26-30! Click on the picture above.